Mount Desert Island is a long way from the corridors of power, and what’s happening in Augusta and Washington holds scant promise of fostering a healthier environment or economy. So a growing number of MDI residents are taking matters into their own hands. Two years ago, they formed A Climate to Thrive (ACTT), seeking to help MDI “become an epicenter of citizen engagement, environmental sustainability and economic vitality.” A big part of that vision is to make MDI energy-independent – relying solely on local, renewable power – by 2030.

This ambitious goal generated skepticism at first but more people are coming around, particularly after the group’s recent Summit drew upwards of 250 people to partake in 14 different workshops.

Like most ACTT events, this one actively sought new volunteers, recruiting residents to help with the many projects underway, including:

Weatherizing 75 or more homes this year, hoping to cut each household’s energy bill by at least 40 percent;

 Increasing the island’s recycling rate (which stands at only 13 percent) and reducing use of single-use plastic bags and containers;

Exploring potential sites for six new electrical vehicle (EV) charging stations that an anonymous donor has committed to fund; and


 Organizing a “Ten Percent Challenge” in which households commit to cut that much in energy use – either through changed habits (such as hanging out laundry, carpooling, eating less meat or changing to LED lightbulbs – 3,000 of which ACTT has given out) or upgrades (like air sealing or installation of a mini-split heat pump).

Some new recruits to ACTT are persuaded by what the relatively new organization has already achieved – such as doubling the island’s solar capacity through its “Solarize MDI” campaign. The Solarize MDI and Weatherize MDI programs offer a great marketing opportunity for ACTT, which sends volunteers to polling places, signing residents up to receive the group’s e-mail notices – which list upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and progress reports. The last e-news announced the start of a winter farmers market on the island, making it easier for people to buy foods that aren’t shipped thousands of miles.

ACTT’s mailing list already has more than 1,100 people, roughly one-tenth of the island’s year-round population (which is spread out among four towns). An organization that networks effectively and links existing efforts can make an impact quickly. “It’s a small island,” explains ACTT’s Coordinator Joe Blotnick, “and you can really get a buzz going.”

He credits some of the success building momentum to a consistent focus on “the practical things that people can do.” ACTT tracks state-level public policy issues, but acts primarily as a spark plug – inspiring and educating local residents. Energized by what they learn, many of them advocate for improved municipal policies involving energy, transportation and waste reduction.

ACTT initiatives often emphasize personal savings as much as planetary benefits, asking questions like “If we can show you that going solar is more affordable long-term, would you be interested in getting an estimate?” They welcome widespread participation whether people are motivated by climate change concerns or simply want lower utility bills.

Kevin Buck, a selectman in Tremont, didn’t think at first that ACTT could possibly reach its goal of energy independence. Shortly before the organization’s launch, he had proposed a solar array on the town’s closed landfill and seen the plan summarily voted down. But the culture has changed markedly in two years (along with membership of the local board) and a similar measure recently passed, enabling Tremont to have renewable power in its school and municipal offices by late summer. Now, Buck says, “I believe that energy independence is not only possible, I think it’s going to happen.”


Gary Friedmann, a town council member in Bar Harbor who helped launch ACTT, is heartened by the number of people undergoing a similar conversion. “The available technology is there,” he says, “and now it’s a matter of building the social and political will to implement these changes.” ACTT does that by offering Mount Desert Island communities a clear roadmap, one that promises not just abstract goods like energy independence but concrete ones like lower utility bills.

Both Friedmann and Blotnick acknowledge the ongoing challenge of getting busy people to take on anything extra – whether a household weatherization project or extra volunteer work. ACTT manages that in part, Friedmann says, by organizing around food and friendships. The group emerged from an informal series of potlucks several years ago that Friedmann and his wife, Glenon, launched following a local talk given by Naomi Klein, author of “This Changes Everything.” Even now, virtually every ACTT event includes free food and music. “It’s got to be fun,” Friedmann says, “Climate change is so daunting.”

More appealing than free food, though, is the prospect of a brighter future. At a time when people feel acutely the leadership void at state and federal levels, ACTT is collaborating with municipalities to demonstrate – in Blotnick’s words – “that maybe something can and is being done.” In one sense, Friedmann says, their mission is simple: “We want to give people hope.”

MARINA SCHAUFFLER provides research, writing, and editing services to nonprofit and social enterprise organizations through Natural Choices (

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