Hey folks, good Saturday mornin’. It’s Aug. 18, meaning it’s also National Fajita Day, National Soft Ice Cream Day and, appropriately, Helium Discovery Day.
Up, up, and away we go.

PLETHORA OF BALLOONS: The 26th annual Great Falls Balloon Festival began Friday with spectacular launches from Simard-Payne Memorial Park in Lewiston. Take a look at the photos — truly high-end stuff. The festival continues this weekend, but weather forecasters say rain is expected today, with the chance of thunderstorms. That makes balloon launches scheduled for the morning and evening times a bit iffy for today and tomorrow. Check here for additional details on how you can ride a balloon, provided Mother Nature doesn’t put a damper on things.


FRY FRENZY 4EVER: Okay, this French fry thing just won’t go away, will it? Turns out, lots of other national and international media have picked up on our recent story about customers being upset at Bolley’s Famous Franks in Waterville for changing their French fry cut from crinkle to straight. Popular television chef Rachael Ray even reportedly wants a piece of the fry action, and a Chinese newspaper has asked to have fries shipped overseas to it (gross). Seems like this issue is really starting to heat up now.




WINTHROP REFLECTS ON ART: The Winthrop Sidewalk Art Festival is in full swing this weekend, running from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today on Main Street. The art show is also part of the Winthrop Summer Festival, runs today and Sunday with lawn sales, live music and children’s activities. Watch out for a cool stained-glass project that’s part of the art show, as people are invited to add tiles to wooden panels from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the space that used to be Apple Valley Books.




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