In an era where our elected officials are completely out of touch with their constituents, Kellie Allain Julia, who is running in Senate District 15, is a breath of fresh air. Her level of understanding and compassion is just what we need to break through a Senate that consistently votes against the best interest of Maine families, our local economy, healthcare, education system and the future of our planet.

Julia’s solid grasp of the realities we face comes from her rich life experiences. From her experience as a young single mother, she understands the need for affordable healthcare. Julia put herself through college later in life and knows, firsthand, the importance of obtainable secondary education for everyone.

As a teacher, she’s seen the needs of young families and the challenges of our education system. From the loss of her son to chronic depression, she’s a strong proponent for a more robust mental health system and reducing the stigma of getting care.

Like you and I, Julia worries that our state may not have jobs to encourage our college graduates to stay or the renewable energy to keep our environment healthy.

Kellie Allain Julie is authentically one of us. She is not beholden to big money or out-of-state party politics. I encourage you to meet her in person. You’ll find she’s an amazing listener with the ability to build bridges between people. Vote for Kellie Allain Julia.

Jeanne Marie Marquis


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