AUGUSTA — This is a roundup of cases closed Nov. 15-21, 2018, at courts in Augusta and Waterville:
Matteo Adragna, 59, of Belfast, unsworn falsification Sept. 29, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine.
James R. Baum, 57, of Palermo, operating vehicle without a license July 18, 2018, in China; $150 fine.
William H. Bartlett, 31, of Waterville, operating vehicle without license Sept. 12, 2018, in Waterville $100 fine.
Joshua M. Bilodeau, 26, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Jan. 8, 2018, in Waterville; 48-hour jail sentence.
Marta R. Bourque, 24, of Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 9, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.
Andre S. Brezler, 40, of Richmond, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 31, 2018, in Gardiner; $500 fine.
Carolyn D. Brown, 18, of Winslow, operating vehicle without license Sept. 7, 2018, in Benton; $100 fine.
Craig Burrill, 42, of Waterville, criminal mischief Sept. 12, 2018, in Waterville; $200 fine, $25 restitution.
Anthony Carpenter, 21, of Waterville, misuse of identification May 3, 2018, in Winslow; 180-day jail sentence, all but 30 days suspended; one-year administrative release, restitution $1,157.05; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 3, 2018, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentence; misuse of identification and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 5, 2018, in Winslow; 30-day jail sentences on each; two counts of theft by receiving stolen property May 3, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed. Theft by receiving stolen property and violating condition of release May 8, 2018, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence on each. Disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures and violating condition of release July 4, 2018, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence; $50 restitution. Criminal mischief, same date and place, dismissed. Violating condition of release Aug. 8, 2018, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence.
Jake A. Casey, 25, of West Gardiner, operating under the influence Aug. 21, 2018, in West Gardiner; $500 fine, four-day jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.
Dallas Jonathan Cherry, 26, of Waterville, indecent conduct Sept. 2, 2018, in Waterville; 48-hour jail sentence.
Hayle M. Cooley, 18, of Waterville, misuse of identification May 3, 2018 in Winslow; 180-day jail sentence, all but 21 days suspended; one-year administrative release, restitution $1,657.05; three counts of theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, two counts of misuse of identification, all May 3, 2018, in Winslow; 21-day jail sentences on each; theft by receiving stolen property, same date and place; dismissed. Minor transporting liquor May 6, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed.
Michael D. Clark Jr., 35, of Jonesport, operating under the influence May 18, 2018, in Winslow; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension.
Martin E. Coleman, 47, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, failure to register vehicle Sept. 13, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Sarah J. Comins, 22, of Farmingdale, operating vehicle without license Sept. 11, 2018, in Waterville; $100 fine.
Megan Crawford, 29, of Winslow, operating after registration suspended Sept. 26, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed.
Michael Croteau, 47, of Troy, operating while license suspended or revoked July 26, 2018, in Clinton; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence.
Fred E. Curtis Jr., 47, of South China, operating under the influence Aug. 25, 2018, in Windsor; $500 fine.
Meghan S. Curtis, 36, of Waterville, permitting unlawful use Feb. 20, 2018, in Winslow; $75 fine.
Charles A. Dahlke, 20, of Lyme, Connecticut, minor consuming liquor Sept. 20, 2018, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Michael Dicent, 41, of Waterville, assault Aug. 6, 2018, in Waterville; $300 fine, $300 suspended, seven-day jail sentence. Terrorizing, same date and place, dismissed. Drinking in public Aug. 12, 2018, in Waterville; $50 fine.
Tracy Dube, 52, of Anson, assault April 12, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Rodney Dubois, 65, of Waterville, unlawful sexual contact Jan. 1, 2016, in Waterville; four-year prison sentence, all but one year suspended, four-year probation. Unlawful sexual touching, same date and place; dismissed.
Steven M. Dudley II, 36, of Waterville, operating under the influence Aug. 11, 2018, in Waterville; $500 fine, 48-hour jail sentence, 150-day license suspension.
Chase Michael Duguay, 20, of Waterville; violating condition of release Nov. 19, 2018, in Augusta; 48-hour jail sentence.
Heath Dupont, 46, of Livermore Falls, drinking in public Aug. 29, 2018, in Augusta; $50 fine.
Vance A. Evers, 21, of Albion, criminal mischief Sept. 20, 2018, in Waterville; $200 fine, $100 restitution.
Derek Farnsworth, 20, of South China, operating while license suspended or revoked Sept. 26, 2018, in Oakland; $250 fine. Violating condition of release, same date and place, $100 fine.
Denvor Ferland, 26, of Litchfield, operating vehicle without license Sept. 12, 2018, in Vassalboro; $100 fine.
Dustin C. Field, 18, of Waterville, criminal mischief Sept. 15, 2018, in Waterville; $200 fine, restitution $142.
Scott A. Foss Sr., 40, of Clinton, operating while license suspended or revoked July 23, 2018, in Clinton; $500 fine, seven-day jail sentence; operating after habitual offender revocation same date and place; dismissed.
Justin George, 30, of Albion, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force Sept. 27, 2018; 14-day jail sentence. Domestic violence assault, assault, criminal mischief and refusing to sign criminal summons, same date and place, all dismissed.
Jody Giguere, 48, of Waterville, criminal trespass Oct. 13, 2018; dismissed.
Sherry Googe, 52, of Waterville, violating condition of release Nov. 16, 2018, in Waterville; three-day jail sentence.
Jacob Jerome Gordon, 29, of Augusta, littering Sept. 19, 2018, in Augusta; $250 fine.
John Griffith, 20, of Waterville, minor possessing liquor Sept. 14, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Nathan J. Hansell, 35, of Augusta, unlawful possession of scheduled drug Oct. 2, 2018, in Augusta; $400 fine.
Scott M. Henderson, 51, of Belgrade, operating under the influence Oct. 2, 2017, in Augusta; $500 fine, 10-day jail sentence, 150-day license suspension. Unlawful possession of inhalants, Oct. 2, 2017, in Augusta; same date and place; dismissed.
Matthew J. Henrick, 46, of Oakland, operating under the influence May 31, 2018, in Oakland; $700 fine, 150-day license suspension.
Brian W. Huff Sr., 59, of Waterville, attaching false plates Sept. 12, 2018, in Waterville; $100 fine.
Joseph R. Johnson, 28, of Monmouth, passing stopped school bus May 26, 2017; dismissed.
Jalen Z. Kaplan, 18, of Bridgewater, New Jersey, minor possessing liquor Sept. 14, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Benjamin Carl Lamoreau, 41, of Windham, operating while license suspended or revoked March 12, 2018, in West Gardiner; $500 fine.
Jason Langdon, 38, of Chelsea, violating protection from abuse order Oct. 31, 2018, in Wayne; 180-day jail sentence. Violating protection from abuse order and violating condition of release, both Nov. 6, 2018, in Augusta; 150-day jail sentence on each.
Melissa S. Lettre, 37, of Augusta, operating under the influence Sept. 29, 2018, in Augusta; $700 fine; 120-day jail sentence, all but 10 days suspended, one-year probation, three-year license suspension; operating vehicle without license — conditions/restriction, same date and place; 10-day jail sentence.
Alan Libby, 64, of Waterville, operating under the influence Aug. 9, 2018, in Waterville; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension.
Joshua Libby, 35, of China Village, possessing suspended driver license July 19, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed.
Steven R. Liberty, 56, of Rome, failing to extinguish fire Aug. 11, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed.
Teresa E. Marchand, 63, of Waterville; motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit March 15, 2018, in Sidney; dismissed.
Daniel Mason, 32, of Winthrop, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Nov. 26, 2017, in Augusta; $200 fine, $6.88 restitution.
Sarah M. Meade, 36, of Norridgewock, operating while license suspended or revoked July 29, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.
Joshua Russell Miller, 47, of Brunswick, Georgia, operating vehicle without license Oct. 10, 2018, in Albion, $100 fine.
Rhoads Elkinton Miller, 43, of Portland, assault Aug. 11, 2018, in Oakland; $300 fine, all suspended; 180-day jail sentence, all but seven days suspended, one year administrative release; refusing to submit to arrest or detention/physical force and violating condition of release, same date and place, seven-day jail sentence on each; criminal trespass, same date and place; dismissed.
MG Transport Inc., of Cornville, commercial vehicle rule violation, motor carrier 60-70 hour rule Jan. 26, 2017, in Sidney; dismissed.
Angela Moontri, 42, of Bangor, operating under the influence Sept. 15, 2015, in Waterville; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension.
Terry K. Morey, 29, of Oakland, operating while license suspended or revoked June 21, 2017, in Albion; dismissed.
Gary M. Morin, 56, of Sidney, operating under the influence Sept. 13, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine.
Leon Moulton, 36, of Norridgewock, attaching false plates July 2, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
William M. Morrissey, 21, of Waterville, minor consuming liquor Sept. 14, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Dustin Newell, 24, of Waterville, violating condition of release Sept. 23, 2018, in Benton; 24-hour jail sentence; assault May 2, 2018, in Benton; dismissed.
Deidra A. Newman, 47, of Augusta, theft by deception June 22, 2018, in Augusta; dismissed.
Scott Norman, 20, of Waterville, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures July 29, 2018, in Waterville; $300 fine. Assault, same date and place; dismissed.
Ryley T. O’Brien, 21, of Winslow, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures April 13, 2017, in Winslow; dismissed.
Sarah A. Ouellette, 38, of Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 6, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
William M. Overby, 20, of Waterville, minor consuming liquor Sept. 18, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Nathaniel O. Peardon, 22, of Orlando, Florida; operating vehicle without a license Sept. 12, 2018, in Sidney; dismissed.
Nahum C. Pinkham III, 28, of Hudson, operating while license suspended or revoked July 24, 2016, in Waterville; $250 fine, 10-day jail sentence; operating after habitual offender revocation, same date and place; dismissed.
Antonio Pollino, 59, of Kennebunk; violating condition of release Feb. 24, 2018, in Belgrade; dismissed.
Kayla Porter, 23, of South China, keeping unlicensed dog Sept. 26, 2018, in China; $50 fine.
Jake L. Rasch, 20, of Cumberland, minor possessing liquor Sept. 14, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Timothy W. Reilly, 20, of Waterville, minor consuming liquor Sept. 14, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Robert A. Riopel, 51, of Winslow, drinking in public July 25, 2018, in Waterville; $50 fine.
Jonathan G. Roy, 46, of Auburn, attaching false plates Sept. 20, 2018, in Windsor; dismissed.
Molly M. Roy, 18, of Waterville burglary of a motor vehicle April 27, 2018; 180-day jail sentence, all but 21 days suspended, one-year administrative release, restitution $1,669.05; misuse of identification and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 3, 2018; 21-day jail sentence on each; misuse of identification and theft by unauthorized taking or transfer May 5, 2018; 21-day jail sentence on each; all in Winslow. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer April 25, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed. Theft by receiving stolen property and violating condition of release May 8, 2018, in Waterville; 14-day jail sentence on each. Violating condition of release July 4, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed. Violating condition of release Aug. 8, 2018, in Waterville; 14-day jail sentence. Minor consuming liquor Aug. 8, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Alexander M. Russell, 21 of Oakland, minor consuming liquor June 29, 2018 in Waterville; $200 fine.
Peter Sack, 42, of Waterville, disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise Sept. 15, 2018, in Waterville; $225 fine.
Brian Sanzone, 20, of Schaumburg, Illinois, minor possessing liquor Sept. 14, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed.
Justin M. Sawyer, 30, of Jay, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer June 19, 2018, in Manchester; $200 fine, $120 restitution; criminal trespass, same date and place, 180-day jail sentence all suspended, one-year administrative release, $120 restitution.
Gary Scott, 65, of Augusta, operating under the influence Sept. 24, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine, 150-day license suspension.
Robert J. Sears, 26, of South China, burglary, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and criminal mischief, all Feb. 22, 2017, in China; dismissed.
Carmen R. Smith, 18, of Winslow, operating vehicle without license-conditional/restricted Aug. 9, 2018, in Waterville; dismissed. Minor transporting liquor Aug. 9, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed.
Nicholas Charles Smith, 36, of Madison, operating after suspension-accident with death Aug. 12, 2018, in Winslow; dismissed.
Kenneth W. Spear, 29, of Augusta, littering Sept. 21, 2018, in Augusta; $250 fine.
Kristen M. Stewart, 28, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer July 7, 2018, in Waterville; 177-day Department of Corrections sentence; misuse of identification, same date and place; 10-day jail sentence. Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer July 28, 2018, in Waterville; 177-day sentence.
John Arther Tompkins, 45, of Winslow, violating protection from abuse order July 22, 2017, in Vassalboro; dismissed.
Michael S. Tripodi II, 29, of St. Albans, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Sept. 23, 2018, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Ryan J. Turffs, 25, of Washington, theft by deception Sept. 22, 2018, in Waterville; $400 fine.
Stephen Washington, 53, of Oakland, operating while license suspended or revoked April 7, 2017, in Oakland; $600 fine.
Helen Waterhouse, 50, of Randolph, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 23, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine all suspended; five-day jail sentence; violating condition of release, same date and place, five-day jail sentence.
Treigh Wells, 19, of Augusta, minor consuming liquor Oct. 7, 2018, in Augusta; $200 fine.
Pearle Whittaker, 28, of Augusta, domestic violence terrorizing July 22, 2017, in Waterville; dismissed.
John W. Wilkinson Jr., 40, of Augusta, operating while license suspended or revoked Aug. 31, 2018, in Augusta; $500 fine, seven-day jail sentence; violation of condition of release same date and place; seven-day jail sentence.
Scott P. Woodhouse, 38, of Waterville, operating vehicle without license Sept. 25, 2018, in Sidney; $100 fine.
Tina R. Woodward, 53, of Winslow, failure to register vehicle Sept. 19, 2018, in Winslow; $100 fine.
Katrina Yeomans, 32, of Benton, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer Sept. 12, 2018, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Khalid Zamat, 42, of Augusta, parking in excess of 24 hours/failure to move Oct. 7, 2018, in Augusta; $50 fine.
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