Jacob Angelakis, left, discusses his adult use marijuana business with Farmington Selectmen Michael Fogg and Matthew Smith on Tuesday evening. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

FARMINGTON — Selectmen approved applications for five of six marijuana businesses and began the process of discontinuing Stinchfield Road on Tuesday evening.

They are:

  • Mike McInnis/Green Grower LLC, medical marijuana store, cultivation, manufacturing, 104 Fairbanks Road;
  • Luke Sirois/Narrow Gauge Botanicals LLC, adult use marijuana store, 407 Wilton Road;
  • Luke Sirois/Lakemont LLC, adult use cultivation and manufacturing, 374 High St.;
  • Sam Morris/Caniba Naturals LLC, medical marijuana store, 232 Broadway; and
  • Matthew and Wendi Smith, adult use manufacturing, 116 Partridge Road.

Town Manager Richard Davis recommended the application of Jacob Angelakis of Biome LLC for an adult use marijuana store at 105 Bridge St., which also includes cultivation and manufacturing, be tabled pending code issues.

Angelakis said no marijuana growing had been done for five months in the old building, which is being renovated to eliminate mold and mildew.

“A lot of things need to be ripped out,” he said. “At a Planning Board meeting I proposed sealing the building to cut down on odor. I’m doing a professional job to fix the problems that were there before I got it.”

“Our concern is that that needs to be completely mitigated before it’s licensed to operate,” Davis said. “We want to have a third party neutral inspection.”


Davis said tabling the application should not be a disadvantage because the state still needs to approve its guidelines and procedures.

Kate Foster, town code assistant, said it would be a week or two before she heard from the state. She said the state could investigate, have an inspection or may decide not to do anything.

Selectmen Michael Fogg, Scott Landry and Matthew Smith approved four of the applications. Selectman Stephan Bunker and Chairman Joshua Bell were absent.

Because Smith is the co-owner of the business for Partridge Road, it was tabled until Bell arrived at the meeting. Smith did not vote.

In other business, the board voted to order the discontinuance of Stinchfield Road and to file an order with the town clerk reflecting its decision.

Davis said the road is off Route 4 toward Strong above the Fairbanks Bridge.


Mark Welch recently purchased the only home there and wants to gate both ends.

“Essentially it is a private driveway,” Davis said. “I’m not sure how it ever became a town road in the first place. It will be a definite savings to the town, a win-win situation.”

Resident Lloyd Smith asked if the town would give up the right of way for public use.

Davis said the public easement would be given up.

A notice will be sent to all abutting property owners.

Discontinuance of the road will not be final until the town votes on it, either at a special town meeting or the annual meeting in March 2020.

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