The Kennebec County town of Sidney is postponing its ballot elections and annual Town Meeting.

The municipal election scheduled for Friday and annual meeting scheduled for Saturday are both postponed indefinitely amid the coronavirus outbreak, town officials said. Many other towns have done the same over the last week, as state officials have recently asked that people not gather together in large groups to avoid spreading the COVID-19 illness caused by the coronavirus.

Sidney officials said new dates will be determined later and that residents would be notified via the town office marquee, from notices at stores, and on the town website and Facebook page.

“Per Covid-19 state emergency legislation, the 2019 budget will be followed until such time as a town meeting can be held,” selectman Alan Tibbetts said via email.

At last year’s annual Town Meeting, residents approved a $1.74 million spending plan and voted to keep cluster housing developments out of town.


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