Here’s why I voted early for Glenn “Chip” Curry for the Maine Senate in the Waldo County primary, and why I’ll support Chip in the general election.

I’ve known Chip for years, but more importantly he has known Waldo County and Maine for years. His long history with all of Waldo County makes him stand out above the rest. We need more of that.

The policies he supports and the way he would serve will be a good fit for us and for Maine. He has a welcoming, quiet, friendly demeanor and we need more of that. Any time I have spoken with him he listens more and talks less. We need more of that. He’s a hard worker who has had to make his living in Waldo County for many years and we need more of that.

Maine fell behind over the last decade in many ways. It feels to me we are getting back on track and we cannot risk being diverted again by divisive politics and positions that set us further behind. No matter your political persuasion, Chip is not the guy to start or participate in negative and useless fights. We need more of that.

In the Maine primary election I proudly voted for Chip Curry, and I urge my fellow Waldo County voters to join me and vote for Chip Curry. I believe you will be satisfied with the results.

Mike Hurley


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