AUGUSTA — Two men, one from Oakland and the other from New York City, were indicted last week by a Kennebec County grand jury on multiple drug trafficking charges.
Eric Caswell, 41, of Oakland and Tarik Squire, 37, of Bronx, New York, were arrested Jan. 2 by Augusta police and Maine Drug Enforcement agents, who were waiting for them at the Super 8 motel in Augusta.
Police said Caswell and Squire possessed bags of heroin, fentanyl powder and crack cocaine when arrested.
Officers said they targeted the motel after learning Squire had traveled from New York City to Maine with an unknown amount of narcotics and checked into the motel, where he arrived in a pickup truck driven by Caswell.
Using a drug-sniffing dog, police located five plastic bags containing 47.3 grams of heroin/fentanyl and 169.5 grams of cocaine base, or crack, a digital scale and $995 in cash, according to a probable cause affidavit filed by Special Agent Nathan Walker of the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency.
Squire was indicted on charges of aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, cocaine base, Dec. 4, 2019; two counts of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, heroin; two counts of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder; two counts of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine base; and criminal forfeiture of $995, Jan. 2 in Augusta.
Caswell was indicted on charges of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drug, heroin; unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, heroin; aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine base; unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine base, Jan. 2, in Augusta; and conspiracy to commit unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, between Dec. 4, 2019, and Jan. 2, 2020, in Augusta.
An indictment is not a finding of guilt, but is an indication there is enough evidence for a case to proceed to trial.
Also indicted by the grand jury, which was in session July 22 to 24:
• Michelle A. Arbour, 43, of Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking and violation of condition of release, Jan. 2 in Waterville.
• Derek A. Baker, 40, of Randolph, theft by unauthorized taking, Jan. 15 in Gardiner.
• Timothy Barclift, 46, of Bronx, New York, two counts of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine, Jan. 22 in Augusta.
• David L. Bellefleur, 32, of Waterville, violation of a protective order and violation of condition of release, July 14 in Waterville; violation of a protective order on or between June 18 and June 27, in Augusta; and violation of a protective order, June 4 in Augusta.
• Randy M. Boivin, 38, of Fairfield, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder, Feb. 17 in Waterville.
• Jacob Gerald Brochu, 27, of Fairfield, theft by deception, Dec. 12, 2017, in Winslow.
• Alisa Marie Carey, 20, of Waterville, arson, May 19 in Waterville.
• Patrick L. Conklin, 45, of Augusta, burglary, theft by unauthorized taking and violation of condition of release, June 8 in Augusta.
• Crystal Theresa Cougle, 27, of Waterville, trafficking in prison contraband and unlawful possession of scheduled drug, methamphetamine, Jan. 23 in Augusta.
• Tyrel Cox, 35, of Pittston, two counts of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, methamphetamine, Jan. 31 in Augusta and/or Pittston; possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, Jan. 31 in Pittston; criminal forfeiture of $3,061; and criminal forfeiture of six firearms.
• Jody A. Davis, 46, of Norridgewock, aggravated criminal trespass, assault, criminal mischief and violation of condition of release, Feb. 20 in Waterville.
• Sadie J. Davis, 32, of Waterville, burglary, theft by unauthorized taking, criminal mischief, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder and violation of condition of release, March 9 in Waterville.
• Shalay Davis, 29, of Troy, New York, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drug, fentanyl powder; violation of condition of release; and criminal forfeiture of $290, Jan. 9 in Augusta.
• Jordan Deleon, 21, of Bronx, New York, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine, Feb. 1 in Waterville.
• Todd Dickson, 27, of Manhattan, New York, theft of lost, mislaid or mistakenly delivered property, Oct. 16, 2019 in Augusta.
• Nathan R. Dilworth, 41, of Greenville, theft by deception, unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder, and unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, methamphetamine, Feb. 14 in Waterville.
• Travis V. Dobson, 34, of Waterville, theft by deception, Jan. 11 in Waterville.
• Larry E. Doyen, 45, of Augusta, arson, March 8 in Augusta.
• Brian M. Dyer, 31, of Waterville, arson, May 17 in Augusta.
• Anthony Englesbobb, 33, of Brooklyn, New York, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine base, Aug. 15, 2019 in Augusta.
• Renee D. Erickson, 32, of Hallowell, violation of condition of release, June 14 in Hallowell.
• April L. Frith, 33, of Augusta, violation of condition of release, Jan. 16 in Augusta; violation of condition of release, April 3 in Augusta; and violation of condition of release and criminal trespass, June 29 in Augusta.
• Brooke Victoria Fritz, 22, of Hallowell, trafficking in prison contraband; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, cocaine; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, gabapentin; and illegal possession of hypodermic apparatuses, June 2 in Augusta.
• Timothy Joseph Gaudette, 26, of Waterville, tampering with a victim and domestic violence assault, June 16 in Waterville.
• John F. Gilboy, 45, of Augusta, failure to report, Dec. 26, 2019 in Augusta.
• Christian Edward-Kerry Grenier, 22, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drug, fentanyl powder, and aggravated trafficking in scheduled drug, cocaine, March 14 in Waterville.
• Melissa T. Haskell, 26, of South China, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder and unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, fentanyl, March 15 in Augusta; and aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, Xanax; violation of condition of release; and criminal forfeiture of $905, June 24 in Augusta.
• Ethan M. Grant, 26, of Windsor, theft by unauthorized taking and violation of condition of release, May 11 in Augusta.
• Levar A. Green, 43, of Warren, violation of protective order, between Dec. 11, 2019 and Dec. 12, 2019, in Benton, and violation of a protective order, between Jan. 15 and Jan. 16, in Benton.
• Michael B. Hamilton Jr., 24, of Holly Hill, Florida, criminal operating under the influence and operating after suspension, Jan. 3 in Waterville.
• Bethany Hasson-Meunier, 30, of Norridgewock, unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, fentanyl powder, and violation of condition of release, Feb. 17 in Waterville.
• Shayne M. Hathaway, 32, of Augusta, operating after revocation and violation of condition of release, Oct. 26, 2019 in Augusta.
• Walter B. Hawkins, 30, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking, May 13 in Augusta.
• Nicholas Robert Hutchings, 35, of Bath, possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, violation of condition of release and operating without a license, Feb. 1 in Waterville.
• Danielle L. Kane, 54, of Sidney, theft by deception, between Nov. 1, 2011, and Oct. 31, 2014, for allegedly obtaining Supplemental Nutrition Assistance and MaineCare program funds in excess of $10,000 from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
• Brian D. Keenan, 47, of Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking, Nov. 17, 2019, in Augusta, burglary, and theft by unauthorized taking, Nov. 16, 2019, in Belgrade.
• Jamilee Kus, 37, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, cocaine, and unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs, cocaine, Jan. 22 in Augusta.
• Jason E. Libby, 39, of Norridgewock, theft by unauthorized taking, Jan. 11 in Waterville.
• Felicia M. Lloyd, 21, of Skowhegan, aggravated criminal mischief, criminal operating under the influence and operating without a license, Feb. 15 in Winslow, and unauthorized use of property, Feb. 15 in Waterville.
• Carl E. Locke, 32, of Waterville, aggravated unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, fentanyl powder, Feb. 21 in Waterville.
• Justin Lugo, 23, of China, tampering with a witness and violation of condition of release, between Feb. 19 and March 11, in Augusta.
• Jeffrey L. Marshall Jr., 35, of Augusta, burglary, theft by unauthorized taking, and criminal mischief, April 26 in Winslow.
• Logan McDonald, 25, of Brunswick, unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs, methamphetamine, Jan. 9 in Winthrop, and aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, methamphetamine, Jan. 31 in Augusta.
• Michael Andrew McIntyre Jr., 31, of Waterville, aggravated unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, fentanyl powder, and unlawful possession of scheduled drug, alprazolam, Feb. 21 in Waterville.
• Thomas John Mulkern Jr., 34, of Jay, theft by unauthorized taking, Jan. 22 in Augusta, and theft by unauthorized taking, Jan. 15 in Augusta.
• Larry E. Munn Jr., 39, of St. Albans, trafficking in prison contraband, and violation of condition of release, Feb. 7 in Augusta.
• Anthony George Perkins, 33, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking, August 1, 2019 in Waterville.
• Jonathan Petgrave, 32, of Waterville, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drug, cocaine base, Feb. 24 in Waterville, and aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine base, Feb. 27 in Waterville.
• Gloria Pressey, 37, of Waterville, unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, fentanyl powder, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, methamphetamine, and violation of condition of release, Feb. 17 in Waterville.
• David J. Santerre, 26, of Sidney, eluding an officer, criminal speed, operating after suspension, driving to endanger, and refusing to submit to arrest, Dec. 20, 2019, in West Gardiner.
• Joshua Semprebon, 34, of Augusta, aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, fentanyl powder, and aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, heroin, May 19 in Augusta and/or Belgrade.
• Andrew G. Stewart, 33, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking, Dec. 11, 2019, in Waterville.
• John Stewart, 61, of Winthrop, aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, cocaine, March 10 in Winthrop.
• Nicole A. Taylor, 44, of Farmingdale, unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs, heroin; operating after revocation, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, methamphetamine or suboxone; and failure to give correct name, Oct. 19, 2019, in Gardiner.
• Erica L. Theriault, 34, of Waterville, operating after revocation, Dec. 22, 2019, in Manchester.
• Donald R. True, 52, of Winthrop, violation of a protective order, April 30 in Sidney.
• Donald J. Veilleux II., 37, of Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking and forgery, Feb. 25 in Winslow.
• Joshua J. Waldeck, 34, of Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking, March 4, 2019, in China, and theft by unauthorized taking, violation of condition of release, operating after suspension and concealed weapon, Nov. 7, 2019, in Augusta.
• Richard F. Walls, 34, of Albion, criminal operating under the influence, operating beyond license restriction and violation of condition of release, Dec. 17, 2019, in Waterville.
• Candy L. Warren, 29, of Augusta, two counts of unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, cocaine.
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