GARDINER — Athletic Director Nate Stubbert told the Maine School Administrative District 11 board of directors Thursday night the soccer, cross-country and field hockey seasons will happen this fall at the high school and middle school levels.
Stubbert also said the high school golf season is a go.
The district’s plans for fall sports are consistent with guidelines set out by the Maine Principals’ Association, or the MPA.
Football, volleyball and cheering are not MPA-sanctioned sports this fall, according to Stubbert. Football and volleyball, therefore, will be modified, with student-athletes able to practice seven-versus-seven flag football and outdoor volleyball.
For students to participate in athletics in MSAD 11, coaches will distribute a waiver to parents and athletes.
“We have a waiver that parents will need to sign,” Superintendent Patricia Hopkins said. “The waiver is for the risk of participating in athletics during the pandemic.”
The school district is following a hybrid learning model and has split its students cohorts A and B, which rotate between in-person and remote learning. Cohort C is fully remote learning, cohort D is for students who may need in-person learning instruction at school.
MSAD 11 is following sports guidelines similar to those adopted by the Augusta Schools.
Only 100 spectators will be allowed to watch a game or match, and masks must be worn by everyone except those playing on the field.
The MSAD 11 board discussed penalties for spectators who do not follow the safety guidelines, concluding that anyone violating safety rules will be asked to comply, such as putting on a mask. If a person does not comply after being asked twice, he or she will be asked to leave. If the noncompliant person refuses to leave, the game or match will be halted until the person is gone.
“I do support spectators being there, but I want to make sure there is a plan in place if we have that one thing happen,” board member Veronica Babcock said.
Spectators will be urged to bring lawn chairs to minimize contact that results from sitting in bleachers. Before and after each competition, the bleachers will be wiped down and disinfected.
Each student will be allowed to host two spectators, and Stubbert is hoping to celebrate senior night during the first home competition for each sports. He also threw out the idea of having the games livestreamed.
MSAD 11 will provide transportation for students to and from scheduled sports events.
Seubbert said a bus is scheduled for almost every game or match still planned for the fall. Eight of the 10 soccer or field hockey matches or games have been scheduled, and all of the golf and cross-country competitions are set.
He said there is good chance competitions requiring transportation will land on Wednesdays, when districtwide stay-at-home days are planned.
Stubbert said there is still no schedule for middle school sports. He said his main concern thus far has been making sure plans and safety precautions are in place for high school athletics.
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