Pete Bolduc installs the last of the restored stained glass windows May 31, 2017, in the Lithgow Public Library reading room in Augusta. Bolduc has been missing since Monday.  Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal file

AUGUSTA — Friends of a contractor who works in downtown Augusta who has not been heard from since Monday are asking for help in finding him.

And now, the Augusta Police Department is also seeking the public’s help in locating Pierre “Pete” Bolduc.

On Thursday, police issued a news release asking anyone with information of Bolduc’s whereabouts to call the Augusta Police Department at 207-626-2370. It’s not known what he was wearing, nor whether he was on foot or traveling in a vehicle.

Bolduc, 57, was last heard from Monday when he apparently called a client about a job, but did not connect. He was apparently last seen shortly before 4 p.m.

The Augusta Downtown Alliance shared a Facebook post Wednesday morning noting that Bolduc was missing.

Barbara Nicknair, Bolduc’s girlfriend, said Thursday that he hasn’t been back to his Water Street apartment — where nothing looks disturbed — nor has he answered his phone or returned any messages left for him.


“It’s so out of character for him; it’s crazy,” Nicknair said.

Bolduc has worked for several downtown property owners and keeps his own schedule, sometimes working late or even overnight.

Nicknair said she last spoke to him by phone Monday morning.

“I don’t know exactly what he was doing for work (on Monday),” she said. “He was getting ready to head out to either one of the apartments or one of the restaurants down there to do some work.

“He told me to call him when I got out of work at 6 o’clock that night,” Nicknair added. “I’ve been trying ever since. His phone is still ringing but nobody is picking up.”

She said she tried calling Bolduc’s mobile phone Thursday morning, and it rang and went to voicemail. The phone is not in his apartment.


Typically, she said, he wears blue jeans and a gray work shirt, but she doesn’t know what jacket he was wearing Monday.

He’s described as 5′ 11″ tall and weighs about 195 pounds, with gray hair.

She said he has no health conditions and is not on any medication. He doesn’t drive.

Pete Bolduc shovels snow from a Water Street sidewalk at 7:46 a.m. Feb. 13, 2019, in Augusta. Bolduc said that he shovels sidewalks for nine buildings and takes care of several more on Water Street. On Thursday, Augusta police asked for the public’s help after Bolduc was reported missing. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal file

Bolduc has worked consistently for Tobias Parkhurst, who has bought and renovated a number of buildings on Water Street over the last decade.

Parkhurst said he had called Bolduc on Monday afternoon, but they didn’t connect.

“I can’t tell you how many people have called me (this week) to say they’ve checked their basements, because it leaks and Pete always checks it after it rains,” Parkhurst said.

He said friends are concerned that Bolduc might have fallen or had an accident of some sort.

While Bolduc worked for a lot of different people, Parkhurst said it’s unusual not to see him in downtown Augusta for several days.

“It’s not like he went on an ice fishing trip that he forgot to tell anyone about,” he said.

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