RANDOLPH — Residents at the annual Randolph Town Meeting on Wednesday will have opportunity to weigh in on $2.48 million in proposed spending for 2021-22.

The proposed budget is about $200,000 more than last year.

Residents are to vote on 50 warrant articles for the fiscal year, which began July 1 and runs through June 30, 2022.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. at the Town Office.

Last year’s budget was $2.3 million, and the town was able to maintain $450,906 in its account balance, according to officials.

The Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee outlined their recommendations for the warrant articles and agree on all articles.


Selectman Matt Drost said the town usually sees about 40 residents at the annual Town Meeting.

Drost said he was unsure if the current property tax rate — $18.4o per $1,000 of assessed value — will change. That would depend on a variety of issues, including how residents vote Wednesday night and how Maine School Administrative District 11’s budget affects local spending.

Article 29, for contracted services, includes slight changes in the proposed spending plan. Thee overall amount the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee are recommending for article 29 is $329,325, a $10,827 increase from last year.

The biggest differences are within the following contracted services:

• Central Maine Power Co.: The Board of Selectmen has recommended $2,400, up from $810 last year.

• Assessor: The board has recommended $3,500, down from $4,302.


• Street sweeping: The board has recommended $9,333, up from $2,832.

• Health insurance: The board has recommended $30,000, up from $21,858.

• Ambulance services: The board has recommended $22,140, down from $26,621.

• Mowing: The board has recommended $14,500, down from $16,750.

The next largest article is 35, which funds capital road improvements.

The board has recommended $150,000 be raised from taxes and $150,000 be taken from the general fund. The Budget Committee has agreed.


Last year, voters approved spending $125,000 on roads, and has $73,376 left that would go toward upcoming repairs. From the money appropriated this year, $149,838 would go toward miscellaneous expenses and $850 toward wages.

Because the town requested $100,000 under article 36 for sewers last year, selectmen and Budget Committee members have recommended $15,000 this year to add to the account balance for improvements.

In article 33, for sidewalks, town officials have not recommended voters set money because the account has a balance of $25,000.

Article 48 asks whether voters would like to allocate funds for the Boys & Girls Club of Kennebec Valley Capital Fund Project, with a recommendation of up to $100,000.

Selectmen Drost and Mark Roberts recused themselves from voting on the article because of their own involvement with the Boys & Girls Club.

“The Boys & Girls Club did not ask for a donation, but Randolph is aware Gardiner made one,” Drost said. “The budget committee recommends up to $100,000 to start a conversation for the town to decide.”


Fire protection, under article 19, is the same as last year, at $42,000 recommended by both the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. Of the recommended amount, $24,734 is for Fire Department wages, $14,581 for miscellaneous expenses and $535 for flags.

Under article 30, the Public Works Department seeks a slight increase from last year. Selectmen and the Budget Committee have recommended $77,500, including $40,000 for roads, $35,000 for sewers and $2,500 for maintenance and equipment. Last year, voters approved spending $72,500 on the department.

Because there is $90,000 in the account balance for the townwide revaluation, officials have recommended voters not approve additional funding in article 43.

A slight increase in article 37 for Randolph’s cemeteries. The board and committee are asking for $12,700. Last year, voters approved $8,500 and there is an account balance of $5,723.

A slight spending increase for Randolph’s cemeteries is proposed in article 37. Selectmen and the Budget Committee have recommended spending $12,700. Last year, voters approved $8,500, and there is an account balance of $5,723.

Articles 40 through 42 are related to municipal offices and propose residents appropriate $12,705 for the Town Office, Fire Department, pump stations and 104 Kinderhook St., along with $1,500 for a town newsletter and $1,400 to continue the town website.

Article 45 proposes residents spend $18,000 for wages for the Board of Selectmen.

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