The board of directors and volunteers of the Waterville Area Soup Kitchen (WASK) wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported us over the last year.

When the Sacred Heart Soup Kitchen closed, several of its volunteers were determined to continue the mission and so formed WASK. The group served its first meals in November 2020 and over the past year have prepared and distributed more than 3,000 meals to those who are experiencing food insecurity.

We want to publicly thank all those in the community who made it possible: donors, local food pantries, and grocers. A special thanks goes to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Waterville, which has graciously allowed us to use their kitchen three days each week to prepare meals which volunteers then distribute to community members from volunteers’ vehicles.

The next big step for WASK is to find a permanent home where we can offer meals in a welcoming, social setting, out of the weather. With affordable housing becoming hard to find and inflation impacting everything, being able to provide relief is becoming more important than ever.

We are excited about the opportunity to expand and to be able to continue to have a positive impact on the Waterville community in the coming year.


Carla Caron

president, Waterville Area Soup Kitchen board of directors

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