In her letter to the editor on Jan. 24, Pat Truman of Hallowell accused the mainstream media of having a woke, leftist agenda, in response to the heavy media coverage of Brittney Griner, a black, lesbian basketball player imprisoned in Russia before being released at the expense, Truman reckons, of more important American overseas prisoners (“How the left is ruining America“).

Let’s be real. The mainstream media news outlets have no more political agenda than, say, Nike, for their endorsement of Colin Kaepernick. Big news is big business. Like all big business, decisions are based almost solely on profits.

Also, let’s not forget that this is the same mainstream media that gave Donald Trump such a massive platform during his first presidential campaign. As one CBS executive bluntly admitted, Trump is bad for the country but good for business. Amorality rules in the world of high finance and fierce competition.

Where is the leftist agenda here?

This culture war nonsense promoted by folks like Truman is a trite, shopworn script being blindly passed around with little regard to how power structures work.

Wake up America? OK, Pat. I think we know who needs a strong cup of coffee here.


Jamie McCarthy


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