I read with great interest Sally Cluchey’s recent compass where she expressed her disappointment about a lack of recognition for bipartisan accomplishments during the last legislative session. Bipartisanship is undoubtedly something to be celebrated, but it’s equally important to scrutinize the actions behind the words. As a concerned constituent, I’d like to respectfully point out some inconsistencies that have not escaped my attention.

Rep. Cluchey underscores her dedication to bipartisanship in her letter. However, her voting record paints a different narrative. It’s noteworthy that Cluchey has consistently voted with her party nearly 92% of the time, contributing to the one-party rule in Augusta. While words of cooperation are encouraging, true bipartisanship requires more than lip service; it demands consistent commitment to working across the aisle.

One particularly concerning issue is Cluchey’s vote to repeal a law that assisted over 200,000 of our seniors with high property taxes. Senior advocacy groups even hailed the legislation as something that dramatically improved the lives of elderly Mainers, noting its widespread popularity. In the end, Rep. Cluchey chose to side with her party leadership, leaving our seniors to bear the consequences.

Another point worth considering is Sally’s support for the largest tax increase in decades to fund a new entitlement program, which will cost Maine businesses and workers nearly $350 million annually. A significant tax hike burdens small businesses and hampers their ability to grow, invest, and create job opportunities.

Gas prices are high and groceries cost more than ever. While she talks of being a proponent of bipartisanship, I would much rather see Rep. Cluchey walk the walk and support us back at home, not the Democrat party bosses.

Ann Page


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