Don’t be fooled by expensive ads paid for by companies whose major aim is to make money and not to supply reliable, affordable power to their customers. Unless Question-3 is passed, we’ll have longer power outages and inferior service so CEOs and rich stockholders can make more money.
An example of what can happen when a utility is owned by a for-profit company is what happened in Texas in February 2021. During a severe cold snap, power plants in Texas owned by Luminant, Texas’ major electricity company, failed and 9 million homes were without power for up to seven days. Dozens of people died. This may not have happened if Luminant had made the upgrades it was asked to make after similar failures occurred several years earlier.
If you’d rather have more affordable, reliable power than give money to CEOs and rich foreign stockholders, please vote yes on Question 3.
Deek Crowley
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