I write in remembrance of the “Last Republican Patriot.” A man who served our country with honor in his military and political careers.

Who stayed a prisoner of war for 5½ years in defiance of his captives to support his fellow prisoners despite the horrors of torture and life-changing injuries. He would never choose Vladimir Putin over our intelligence agencies or call Putin “brilliant” for invading Ukraine. He would never attack and insult Gold Star families. He would never denigrate those who lost their life as “suckers and losers.” He honored General Kelly and his wife, who lost their son after he stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan. He would never brag about sharing “love letters” with Kim Jong Un.

That “Last Republican Patriot” honored all who served. He would never say, “Look, I don’t want any wounded guys in the parade.” He constantly visited wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital. He would have attended the 100th anniversary of the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery no matter the weather.

That “Last Republican Patriot” was the late Sen. John McCain, who passed on Aug. 25, 2018.

There are no more “Patriotic Republicans” as all Republicans support Trump even as he gave Putin the greenlight to invade NATO countries. Almost half of our country are no longer American patriots as they support Trump and Putin’s desire to dominate the world.

I can never think of the late Sen. McCain and what he suffered and stood for at Hanoi Hilton without tears burning my eyes. Maybe it takes living through those years to understand his patriotism and the price he willingly sacrificed. McCain taught us what it takes to be an American patriot, but countless ignore his teachings as they turn their backs on our country and the free world for Trump.


Mike Grove

Belgrade Lakes

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