I’m writing in response to the idea that some voters in Maine are considering not voting in the upcoming primary as a protest against the Biden administration’s actions concerning the destruction and murder of civilians in Gaza by the Israeli military.

I, too, am appalled every day at the actions of the Israeli government and wish the administration’s public statements and actions were stronger than what they have been. I also believe, however, that the recent movement by the Arab states to recognize Israel and to push for a two-state solution, might actually be a way forward. That work has been aided by the behind-the-scenes efforts of the Biden administration.

However, that is not the reason I am saddened by some people’s decision to withhold their vote for him in the primary.

This election is a turning point in the country. Either we choose to continue to improve upon the founders’ vision or we become a fascist state, governed by a mentally unstable man who has very clearly told us his vision for the future. Whether you think Joe Biden is too old is not relevant at this point. Whether you agree with his foreign policy is not relevant. What’s your vision for the future?

My vision is to continue working on becoming a nation in which people are valued for who they are, not the color of their skin. Where Native people are honored. Where women have control over their bodies. Where immigrants are welcomed and supported. Where there are controls on corporations’ ability to influence elections. Where the rich are taxed appropriately and those who need help to survive and prosper get it.

If you choose that vision, however flawed you see the candidate who is moving us in that direction, I hope you will turn out to vote.


Karen Heck


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