Recent votes by my Democratic representative to the Maine House are something that people should be aware of because we will have a chance to elect a pro-choice Democrat in June.

During this session there was a bill to add reproductive freedom to the Maine Constitution. Passage in the House would have allowed Mainers to vote on the issue. There was also a bill to fund family planning services. My representative voted against both of these bills.

What has prompted me to write, however, was his vote against the Shield Law. The Shield Law would protect Maine medical providers who provide abortions that are legal in our state from being sued by states who do not want their residents to come here for abortions. To be clear, he voted against protecting Maine practitioners who are providing services that are legal here.

A vote against protecting Maine providers could be compared to a vote in 1850 in favor of the Fugitive Slave Law. That law allowed men from pro-slavery states to capture slaves who made it to free slates and return them to slavery. It didn’t matter that the people of that free state had laws outlawing slavery. One state’s policies should pertain to that state, and that state alone. A state representative should understand that concept and vote accordingly.

Fortunately, Cassie Julia does understand that concept. She is solidly pro-choice and will vote to support the full range of reproductive health care for women. She is also a strong LGBTQIA ally, while my current representative is not.

Cassie has worked for years in Waterville to support the public schools, is a member of the Planning Board who will be a fierce advocate for issues that impact Waterville.


Please join me in supporting Cassie Julia, a solidly Democratic candidate.


Bruce Olson


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