Mainers are weary of politics as usual. Repeatedly, my husband and I have heard from his constituents that they’re tired of the polarization in our political system. They’re tired of the inflammatory rhetoric that creates fear and distrust and accomplishes nothing of benefit to Maine’s people.

My husband, Bruce White, is a different kind of leader — building consensus, respectful of all, and compassionate to those in need. He’s diligently worked for tax relief, affordable and workforce housing, revitalization of business, quality education, and safe communities along with many other issues.

He’s a humble, friendly leader who has made himself available to his constituents whether they are a businessperson, senior citizen, wage earner, or child. Rich or poor, you are treated with dignity and attention.

Vote for the experienced caring representative that has served his community tirelessly.

Re-elect Bruce White for House District 65 on June 11.


Doreen White


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