Social media accounts:

Occupation: Retired Kennebec County Sheriff Office; president of the Maine D.A.R.E. Officer’s Association; former Assistant Jail Administrator; Associate Broker, New York Life Insurance Agent; crop and dairy farmer

Education: University of Maine

Community Organizations: Boy Scout Cubmaster in Winthrop, five years; Good Will-Hinckley School MeANS Board, six years; Benton Grange Member – Grange Master, two years; Maine State YMCA Camp Board, 17 years; Albion selectman, two years (write-in); Civil Air Patrol – Major

Personal information (hobbies, etc.): Guitar and singing (14 years with D.A.R.E. X Band); Dancing (Tap, Jazz, Twist); Skowhegan Library Dancing with the Stars; hunting; fishing; hiking; mountain climbing; mountain biking; gardening

Family status: Married, three children, 12 grandchildren


Years in the Legislature: 127th-130th (Senate); 131st (House)

Committee assignments (if elected): 1) Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; 2) Criminal Justice and Public Safety; 3) Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry


1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.

I will speak for my district, when voting on legislation or dealing with red tape. Success is improving public safety and education and lowering the costs of energy and taxes. Success is relief for Mainers.

2) Name one issue the Legislature handled last session. Explain why you agree or disagree with the final outcome.

Fearing that ambulance services would go out of business due to lack of payments, I introduced L.D. 1832. The bill passed unanimously. This law will mean we have emergency responders when we need them.

OPPONENT: Nathaniel White, D-Fairfield

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