Mt. Blue’s Dillon Gray, top, beat Gardiner’s Kyle Doody Jan. 25 in the 150-pound final at the KVAC wrestling championships at Cony Middle and High School in Augusta. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

Monmouth Academy’s Aiden Oliveira gets past Maranacook’s Grady Hreben for a basket during Thursday’s game in Readfield. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

Hall-Dale’s Davis Madore, second from right, defends Monmouth Academy’s Aiden Oliveira during a basketball game Jan. 24 in Farmingdale. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

Madison’s Jacey Moody gets a pass off between Hall-Dale’s Torie Tibbetts, right, and Lucy Gray Wednesday in Madison. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

Messalonskee’s Anderson Arbour attempts to dribble past Camden Hills’ Nolan Ames during a basketball game Jan. 24 in Oakland. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

Drifting snow frames the steps Thursday in front of Miller Library at Colby College in Waterville. More snow is expected this week. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

Tom Tremblay, of St. Albans, left, and Jim Sarette, of Manchester, N.H. fish for smelt in a shack on the Kennebec River Tuesday at Baker’s Smelt Camps in Pittston. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

Marcia Collins of Madison, seated, and Gloria Young of Solon shares a laugh Jan. 26 at the donation table during Country Sunday Open Mic at the Embden Community Center at 797 Embden Pond Road. About 20 musicians and singers played during the event, which is held twice a month. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

Dance partners Marcia Collins, 77, left, and Marshall Lake, 86, share the floor Jan. 26 with others as musicians perform during Country Sunday Open Mic at the Embden Community Center at 797 Embden Pond Road. About 20 musicians and singers played during the event, which is held twice a month. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

The sun sets behind an ice-fishing shack Jan. 23 around 4:26 p.m. on Snow Pond in Sidney. Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal

Jim Love, a moderator with the Universalist Unitarian Meeting House, in the auditorium Jan. 23 of the congregation’s former meeting house in Pittsfield. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel
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