WATERVILLE — The Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s Business Breakfast 2025 series lunch is set for 7:15 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, at Best Western Plus, Colby/Coburn Room, 375 Main St.

The series is as follows.

Feb. 13: Guiding the Kennebec Valley Forward with United Way of Kennebec Valley Director of Community Impact Katelyn Pushard, who will presents on Impact2032, a transformative initiative designed to improve heath, education and financial stability over the next decade.

March 13: Creating the Housing Supply that Maine People and Maine’s Economy Needs, with Greg Payne, senior advisor on Housing Policy in the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, who will discuss the latest information about our housing needs, barriers to production and state policy initiatives to address them. He will focus on ways the governor and Legislature are approaching housing issues and how business leaders can effectively engage in the process.

April 10: Artificial Intelligence: What is it, How Does It Work — and How Can It Help Me? Randolph Jones will explore the phenomenon of AI and how it could be useful.

May 1: How to Make the Most Out of Attending a Trade Show — Before, During and After. Nancy Marshall, CEO of Marshall Communications, will present an interactive workshop.

Sept. 11: What is Business Exit Planning, and What is the Buzz About ESOPs? Mark Ford and Susan Scherbel will cover different exit options including a focus on employee stock option plans.

Oct. 2: Legislative topic to be determined.

Nov. 13: Digital Marketing Tips for Your Organization with a representative from NewsCenter Maine.

Dec. 11: Non-Profit Sustainability Plan — How to Evolve with the Changing Times, with Ken Walsh, president and CEO of the Alfond Youth & Community Center.

The cost is $25 for members or $30 at the door and for non-members.

To register visit midmainechamber.com, call 207-873-3315 or email Cindy@midmainechamber.com.


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