Spectrum Generations has closed all community and resource centers, beginning Monday, March 16, according to its website page.

Older adults are identified as the highest risk population group for becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. In an effort to address rising concerns as they relate to the organization’s primary service recipients, all activities, meetings, services including congregate dining, and events have been canceled until further notice.

Adult Day Programs, operating in Belfast, Hallowell, Waterville and Skowhegan will remain open.

At this time, Meals on Wheels program will not be impacted and volunteers who support this crucial program are asked to continue doing so as long as they are not symptomatic or have reason to believe they may have come into contact with an infected persons.

Spectrum Generations’ Senior Management Team will continue to monitor the situation closely, and work with community, state and federal partners will make additional decisions quickly and proactively as necessary.

Volunteer work has not been impacted at this point and the organization still needs you, each volunteer will be notified individually regarding any potential changes to their schedule.

Until further notice, one point of entry will be designated at all locations for vendors, deliveries, and visitors; each person entering Spectrum Generations locations, including staff, will be screened immediately.

For more information, visit spectrumgenerations.org.

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