I am writing in response to the letter that was printed on July 7 concerning a dress code in church.

I disagree with Michael Kaberle’s statements that not all of God’s children are welcome in the church. God does not judge us on what we wear, He loves us all unconditionally. The point that is being made in the bulletin is that we should all respect him when we are in his house.

Hopefully, we respect our friends’ homes and our parents’ homes, so we should show some respect when we are in God’s presence.

I can’t speak for the clergy, but I have been embarrassed more than once at the attire (or lack of) that some wear when attending Mass. I realize that the days of wearing hats and ties are long gone by, but surely we must all have a pair of clean jeans or slacks, or a shirt or blouse that is suitable.

I’m sorry that what was put in the bulletin upset some parishioners. But let’s keep in mind why we are at church, and show good manners and respect for God and all people who are attending the service.

Jean Koller


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