I strongly endorse Hilary Koch’s candidacy for Senate District 16 in the upcoming election. Her background in education and experience with the state’s medical system, and on the Waterville City Charter Commission, have provided the breadth and depth of background that she needs to be effective in Augusta.

Sen. Scott Cyrway has been a solid opponent of women’s reproductive rights from the beginning, including efforts to bar use of Medicaid funds to cover something as basic as birth control pills — which prevent unwanted pregnancies that could ultimately lead to increased requests for abortions, which he also opposes.

It’s surprising how members of the party that claims to represent individual freedoms and liberty want to force bureaucratic governmental control over what should be highly personal decisions between a woman and her physician.

In 2017, Cyrway also voted against expanding Obamacare to cover some 70,000 additional Mainers — Maine citizens who would be without health insurance coverage if he’d succeeded. Like other Republicans, he opposes ranked-choice voting, a cost-effective “instant runoff” to ensure those elected to office are indeed supported by over 50% of the voters. Unfortunately, like Susan Collins, he’s shifted farther to the right since he was first elected.

As mother of a diabetic son, Hilary Koch is acutely aware that Big Pharma is charging exorbitant prices for insulin — up to 100 times the cost of production. She will continue to work to reduce drug costs, and to ensure that all Mainers have access to affordable, high-quality health care. She is also acutely aware that education is critical to Maine’s long-term economic growth, and it will be a top priority.

Hilary Koch will bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the Maine Senate from District 16, and will have my full support in November.


Robert Nelson


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