While driving to and from Portland recently, I was reminded just how important it is to take care of our state’s transportation infrastructure. Heading south early in the morning, the first heavy rain in many weeks was falling and I had to white-knuckle the steering wheel of my truck to avoid hydroplaning in the wheel ruts that have formed in the pavement of I-295.

On the reverse trip in the evening, I found myself in a line of traffic moving at 8 mph just north of Topsham, the result of an accident where a motorist had hydroplaned, hit a guard rail, and ended up in the path of an tractor-trailer. The truck had partially overturned and spilled some of its contents of garbage on the ground.

I see this experience as an example of how not adequately funding our transportation infrastructure can lead to compound negative financial impacts (guard rail repair cost, vehicle repair costs, medical bills, and overtime for the first responders and MDOT crews).

Additionally, the Maine Better Transportation Association has published data showing that Maine motorists pay an average of $529 more annually on vehicle repairs due to bad roads.

One way to help with this critical infrastructure problem that our state faces is to vote yes on Question 2, the transportation bond, on the July 14 ballot. This bond will not only fund roadways, but also rail, trail, airport, bridge and marine transportation projects that are so desperately needed throughout Maine.

If this bond does not pass, the Maine Department of Transportation has stated that it will have to cancel projects that are currently planned for construction in 2020.

Bonding is only part of the solution, but it will prevent us from falling further behind. Please join me in voting yes on Question 2 on July 14.

Glenn Adams

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