100 Years Ago: 1921

Rehearsals for the “1921 Minstrel Elks” production are being held every evening this week at 7:30 o’clock In the Elks Home, corner Ash and Middle streets. The production is fast rounding into shape and promises to be the biggest of its kind this year.

50 Years Ago: 1971

A candy sale — the proceeds to be used to provide financial support of Sacred Heart School. Auburn — has been undertaken by the students of the school under the sponsorship of the Committee to Aid Sacred Heart: (CASH). The project, under the direction of Mrs. Roland Lajoie and Sr. Marcelle Roy, principal of the school, was one of many events scheduled by CASH at a recent meeting. Mrs. Lester J. Franck will have charge of the rummage sale to be held Friday. Apr. 23. Mrs. Normand St. Hilaire has charge of a May dance, an auction is tentatively set for the third week in July, and a card party is planned for September.

25 Years Ago: 1996

The WLU Garden Club’s annual herb luncheon will be held Thursday at 12:30 pm. at 19 Elm St., Auburn. Jackie LaChapelle, assisted by Margaret Nichols and Pauline Simones, will host and they are asking members to bring a potluck dish of their choice. “Herbs for a Colonial Garden” will be presented by LaChapelle and will focus on the importance of herbs in 18th and 19th century  America. In colonial times gardening was a woman’s duty, especially herbs, that provided almost all the family foods and flavoring, medicine and household products.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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