On behalf of the National Election Reform Committee (associated with Independent Voting), I am writing this open letter to all of the great people of the state of Maine to support L.D. 1211, “An Act To Create An Open and Streamlined Primary.” This legislation was introduced by state Sen. Joe Baldacci, D-Bangor, on March 18.

L.D. 1211 would create an open non-partisan primary election system which would allow all voters to vote in a primary election, including Independents. This bill pertains to the election of all state and national offices. Right now, Maine has a closed primary election system where it is open only to Democrats and Republicans. This is not a democratic system. I encourage all Maine voters to contact their respective representatives in the Maine Legislature and ask them to vote for L.D. 1211.

The Maine Legislature now has a golden opportunity to pass one of the most democratic election reforms in the nation. In the 2020 election, Alaska passed similar legislation to open their elections to all voters. Very few states in the country have open non-partisan primary elections. I encourage all voters of Maine to hold Maine Legislators accountable and have them pass this most important democratic election reform.

The National Election Reform Committee stands beside Mainers For Open Elections in support of L.D. 1211. It is my hope that the Maine Legislature will step up and show the rest of America what a real working democracy looks like.


Randy Fricke

co-chair, National Election Reform Committee (NERC) and founder, Western Colorado Independent Voters

New Castle, Colorado

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