A letter in the March 14 Kennebec Journal got it wrong. Between another Biden term and Golden Godfather part two, the best choice is neither one.

Ukraine, Gaza, trillions in debt, border, weather and climate crises, demonstrations gone wild, and a threatening Chinese government. Both parties have led to this bad inheritance.

A better way is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ballot and in the debates. To get there he needs registered voters to sign his petitions.

In 1992, Ross Perot ran for president outside the two major parties. He showed real respect for the intelligence of the voters and for an issue-oriented election process. As late as June 15, 1992, according to Time magazine, before he quit the campaign for a while, the public supported him 37% to 24% each for Bush and Clinton.

Despite today’s third party and independent maze, Kennedys don’t quit. So give yourself a chance to see, hear and make a better choice.


George Hunt



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