I read with interest the Jan. 28 article, “State falls behind in reversing overdoses”. The most bothersome thing for me was a quote by our governor, “Naloxone does not truly save lives; it merely extends them until the next overdose.”

It struck me about that many could say the same about bariatric surgery to lose weight. In many cases this surgery is very successful, as it has been thus far for the governor and his wife. In others, it merely extends to the next cheeseburger and fries. This leaves me to wonder, how could a man that appears to struggle with addiction himself, as does his wife, be so cold when thinking of others?

A year ago I lost someone I cared very much for. He was not a bad person. He worked, paid taxes, provided for himself, and was a person who never hurt anyone other than himself. I now mourn him, and watch his family and loved ones struggle with missing him every day. This is something I would never wish on my worst enemy.

Sometimes we all need a little crutch, a little extra support to get us through the rough spots.

After what we must assume were several attempts to take off the weight on their own, the LePages sought help for what they could not accomplish. They were able to choose a doctor, their local hospital, and I assume insurance to access what they needed. Families are really looking for so much less.

I ask the governor to please stop stalling. If one person is saved and rehabilitated, isn’t it worth it?

In a recent public service announcement the governor has taken on a campaign against distracted driving, which is of course a serious problem today. It shows families mourning at their child’s grave. Can one honestly think that the families of an addict suffer less?

Judy Russell


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