Alex Stewart, 17, of Augusta, a member of Troop 479 in China, used his Eagle Project to give something back to his elementary school, Lincoln School. He collaborated with Jonathan Stonier, director of buildings and grounds for the Augusta School Department, to build a covered outdoor area in an underutilized space near the school. He received assistance from adult leaders and older Scouts as well as Custodian Brian Bolstridge the first two days of construction. He also received help from the younger Scouts on the third day to spruce up the grounds around the project with mulch, landscape rocks and several flower beds. He hopes the teachers and students will be able to use the structure as an outdoor learning station.

Stewart joined the Scout Troop in China in 2012 and is currently a Life Scout. He has gone to summer camps at Camp Roosevelt in Eddington and Camp Bomazeen in Belgrade. He has participated on camping trips to the Freedom Trail in Boston, Gettysburg area and Niagara Falls during April vacation.

He is a senior at Cony High School and lives with his parents Greg and Kristina Stewart. He is on the Cony Golf Team. This summer he worked at Shaw’s in Augusta.

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