Goodrich-Caldwell American Legion Post 6, 114 Second St., has announced the schedule for its Memorial Day observance on Monday May 27.

Participants will gather at 9:15 a.m. at 114 Water St., and proceed to the Hallowell Cemetery, halting at the Civil War Monument. Participants can assemble at 10:30 a.m. at the Civil War Monument, with opening remarks by Cmdr. Maureen Malley, and an invocation by the Rev. Thomas DeRaps. Hall-Dale High School Band will perform “America the Beautiful” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Placement of Wreath at the Civil War Monument will be done by Comrade Mike Madden, followed by Taps and Echo by the Hall-Dale High School Band and a medley of songs by Joan Morgan, and Jean and Don Davenport.

The parade will reform and proceed to the Legion Park. Malley will open the ceremony with invocation by Post 6 Chaplain Steve Mairs, followed by Hall-Dale High School Band performing “God of Our Fathers.” The Memorial Day address will be given by Past Post Cmdr. Roger Theberge. “God Bless America” will be performed by Nancy McGinnis, followed by the placement of the wreath by comrade Hugh Stevens. The Hall-Dale High School Band will do the Taps and Echo and “The National Anthem.” Steve Lemieux will perform “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes. The closing benediction will be give by the Rev. Nancy G. Bischoff, pastor of Cox Memorial United Methodist Church.

A service will then be held at the Hallowell Waterfront, on Winthrop Street. Prayer will be given Post 6 Chaplain Steve Mairs, with Taps performed by Nancy McGinnis/Hall-Dale High School bugler, and Placement of Wreath by comrade Carroll Whitman,

For more information, call Adjutant Jerry Stuart at 582-4713.

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