What is socialism for the rich? A system that takes very good care of the wealthy.

It includes tax provisions that enable the upper class to pay lower effective rates than the middle class. No-bid government contracts. Privatized public services.

There is the revolving door: Work in industry, then a regulatory agency, then back to industry. Become a lawmaker, then an industry executive or lobbyist to influence government.

There’s the Triple Vote: Vote personally, invest in political campaigns, and pressure employees to vote the way you want.

There are health care hostages: “You don’t want to die so pay my prices.”

And anti-labor practices: Low minimum wages, right to work for less, outsource production.


And regulation lag: Resist regulation on new technology and practices to rake in unethical profits.
Light penalties for rich criminals.

The Articles of Confederation was a coalition of competing oligarchies, so the equivalent of a billionaire, James Madison, came up with a plan: A Congress of wealthy men would primarily write laws regulating commerce, the property and voting rights of wealthy men, and the nation’s defense. An administration would execute the laws. A court system would apply the law to conflicts between wealthy men and the companies they own. Civil rights were not a consideration. Like one Founding Father said, “I love liberty, I hate equality.”

Our government is a system designed by the wealthy for the wealthy and now we see the proof in ever-increasing inequality, disregard for the well-being of the nation in pursuit of excessive wealth, and the realization of a coast-to-coast oligarchy. Unofficial socialism for the rich.


Brad Sherwood


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