There will be a lot of hard lessons learned and personal tragedies felt by all of us from the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming months. The one that I hope all American’s take to heart is that we need elect people to office who believe in our government, who believe in science, who believe in facts, who learn from history and, most importantly, who tell us the truth.

Yes there is and always will be ideological divides, but when it comes to science, facts and the truth their never should be. In the last 38 months, many in our country have lost what confidence they had in our national government. The true leaders of today have been on the state and local levels , not the national level.

We are all in this together whether we like our neighbors, or the opposing party, or the color of one’s skin or someone’s accent. The capabilities that our national government had three years ago have been gutted with thousands of career civil service professionals and scientists leaving our government.

That has to stop — now. Our elected leaders must listen and respond to what professionals tell them. Yes, there can be multiple ways to address issues of concern, but when we stop believing in science and truth our government falters and we all suffer.

Mike Grove


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