The Legislature caused this mess with the cost of electrical power; see Pl 1997-c316 Title 35-A MSRA. Chapter 32. The restructured Maine’s electric industry and open the retail purchase and sale of electricity to competition beginning March 1, 2000.

The citizens of Pittsfield met with representatives of the Legislature, the Public Utility Commission, and utility representatives at Warsaw Middle School in the late 1990s.

This was a meeting to explain the new law and how it would be of benefit to the general public. I spoke and told the panel before the townspeople that they were dreaming if they thought they would get any competition that would lower homeowners monthly bills. Their response was that there would be competition. Another attendee asked which states had deregulated power. The panel members mentioned California and Pennsylvania. The attendee asked the panel if it was working in these two states. She polled each member of the panel, and each said it wasn’t working. The answer caused a great stir and an audible gasp for the townspeople present. Why are we doing this if it doesn’t work?

Someone had the agenda to fleece the citizens of Maine and our Legislature was a willing participant. These people are in the government to protect the citizens, to do the right thing. I hope these representatives have a senior citizen relative who is struggling with their utility bill. They created the problem, I see no solution.

Poor governance is just that. Please remember there is no right way to do a wrong thing.


Donald Harriman


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