Party affiliation:




Social media accounts:





Juris doctor

Community Organizations:

Fairfield, Maine Town Council, secretary; Kiwanis Club of Greater Waterville, president; Maine Municipal Association Legislative Policy Committee; Somerset County Budget Committee


Personal information (hobbies, etc.):

Eagle Scout, Class of 2000; hiking; biking; swimming; running

Family status:


Years in the Legislature:



Committee assignments (if elected):



1) What legislation do you support, if any, to address the state’s opiate crisis?

I support initiatives to provide treatment for users and to keep them from being jailed alongside dealers and violent criminals.

2) What legislation do you support, if any, to address failures in the state’s child abuse prevention system?


I support measures to allow safe family caregivers to take a more active role in the child protection system to ease the burden on licensed foster placements and to free up resources.

3) Should schools continue to push forward with proficiency-based diplomas? Why or why not?

State officials, local school districts, parents and students should work to create standards that provide a meaningful education and meaningful assessments. No solution works for every student.

4) Are you in favor of some type of universal health care for Maine residents? Why, or why not?

I believe that a basic standard of healthcare for all Mainers will allow our communities to be more prosperous and healthier. Allowing people to remain sick hurts everyone.

5) Do you support Question 1 (the 3.8% tax to fund the home care program)? Why, or why not?


I support this measure because it will help defray future home care costs that current funding models are not equipped for.

6) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?

I am very frustrated by the current tone in politics. I work with people of different political views with respect for the ideas and experiences of each person. I will not run a negative campaign.

7) Tell voters something about yourself that they don’t already know, and might surprise them.

I have completed several athletic events, including a half marathon and the 2015 Trek Across Maine.

Speed Round

Should voters be required to show ID at the polls?


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