JACKMAN — The Citizens Health Advisory Team and the Jackman Region Community Association recently raised more than $25,000 with proceeds to be split between the ambulance service and after-hour care at the Jackman Region Health Center, according to a news release from Denise Plante, Somerset Public Health, MEHAF local project leader and chairwoman of the Citizens Health Advisory Team.

The fundraising was led by CHAT members Nancy Lessard and Bill Jarvis. Committee members included Connie Guay, Sheryl Harth, Patricia Doyle, Billy Trahan, Kristy Griffin and Marilyn Gilbert.

According to the release, the after-hour care is in serious need of funding with more than six figure deficits each year. This after-hour care has saved many lives that might have been lost had not the intermediary care been provided.

Many committee and community members helped to make the fundraiser and fair a success.

Winners of the blue and gold raffle were: Turner Pond Club, Carol Sue Hill, Alan Paradise, Nelson Araucio, Clarence and Cathy Begin, David Hughey, Larry and Mary Jo Foster, Mike and Anna Begin, Marie Buttigieg, Jim and Jolene Stevens, Kasey Gilboe and John LeClerc.

Winners of the silent auction items were: Sheryl and Larry Harth, Russell Shelley, Nancy Lessard, Nathalie Haggan, Richard Desjardins, Brent Burdick, Jim Schoenmann, Bill Lyons, Jonathan Rochester, Karla Talpey, Steve French, Meagan Doyle, Tena Worster, Dan Perkins, Bill Jarvis, Sandy Somerset, Connie Guay, Bill Trahan, Kristy Griffin, Tom Komola and Patricia Doyle.

In addition to the raffle and silent auction, many contributed with donations and buying from the food truck, baked goods table, craft and jewelry tables and the yard sale items.

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