In today’s world of technology and social media, issues need to be addressed by our leaders. Sen. Shenna Bellows has repeatedly shown she is a leader.

First, she sponsored a bill that was passed on online privacy. Internet providers had not only the ability to use details of our daily usage and photos, but our thoughts shared in social media. During the last session the halls of the Maine State Capitol were filled with high-priced lawyers and lobbyists to try to stop her efforts to protect us, but she was able to convince those on both sides of the aisle to support her first in the nation bill. Sadly in our nation’s capitol, Congress bowed to lobbyist pressures and was unable to pass a bill.

Second, Sen. Bellows sponsored “An Act to Encourage the Development of Broadband Coverage in Rural Maine,” which will bolster efforts by municipalities to qualify for the funding necessary to develop reliable high-speed internet coverage in under served Maine.

We now have the opportunity to vote yes on the Question 1 July 14 bond to provide funding for high-speed internet in those areas of Maine that are lacking high-quality service.

We need reliable high-speed internet in rural Maine for fishermen, farmers, home businesses, both workers and students forced by the pandemic to work from home, and most importantly for a future that provides good jobs to match our great quality of life.

Sen. Shenna Bellows deserves re-election for her efforts. Please vote for her in the July 14 primary and again in the November general election.


James Betts


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