The Morning Sentinel recently ran a story about the two men running for mayor of Waterville, Phil Bofia and Jay Coehlo. I find it interesting that Bofia is running as an independent/centrist as a means of reducing the poisonous partisanship that seems to infect so much of our politics.

Bofia stated in the article, “Factions within the [city] council often find themselves at odds because of party ideology and this takes away from problem-solving. An independent mayor ensures that the centrist view on issues is maintained and the focus is kept on resolving issues.”

I did some further checking into Phil Bofia and discovered he is for “Positive Politics” and “asking the tough questions” about the city budget, so that, for example, our children derive maximum educational value for every tax dollar spent on schools. Seems to me Phil Bofia is the right choice for mayor.


Christine Callahan


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