ORONO — In response to an unpredictable 2020 growing season, University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering a three-part series for farmers considering transitions in their business models from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, Jan. 12, 19 and 26.

“Making Money Moves: A Decision-Making Workshop for Farmers” is a discussion-based series designed to help farmers with five or more years of experience running their own farm operation think through those business decisions, according to a news release from the extension office. Workshop participants will identify strengths and opportunities for improvement, clarify planning and decision-making processes to maximize the return on investment, and work toward identified farm goals. UMaine Extension experts will lead the workshop.

The $30 fee per farm includes up to two participants; registration is required by Jan. 5.

To register on the program webpage, visit extension.umaine.edu.

For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Jason Lilley at  207-781-6099 or jason.lilley@maine.edu.

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