I would like to offer a letter of support for James Orr, running for state representative in Augusta. I have known James for approximately a year and have come to highly respect his committed and thoughtful approach to the problems we face here in Maine and the U.S.

In the year that I’ve known him, James has gone from average concerned citizen to heeding the call to serve in public office. Almost every day since he announced, James has been on the street, knocking on doors in his district to hear what his future constituents have to say. One the qualities I like most about James is how intently he listens and takes seriously what he’s hearing.

As a person, I know James to be very funny, smart and considerate. It takes a smart person to know what he doesn’t know, and James is always humble enough to ask the questions he needs answered to be a better leader. I’ve always appreciated how polite he is as well, while remaining steadfast in what he believes.

In closing, I would like to say that anyone who is nervous about the years ahead can absolutely rest assured that James Orr will never be asleep on the job. James is a longtime veteran and some of the stories he’s told make me know he can withstand a lot more that most of us ever could.

We need the best we’ve got today, and for that reason, I support James Orr for state representative.

Sondra Martin


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