In a recent Maine Compass article, Liz Hays, a Maine Family Planning board members, is angered by our pro-life signs displayed every Thursday at the group’s clinic (“Maine Compass: As efforts to limit abortion rights grow, clinics need support of community,” March 22).

As the past president of Pro-Life Education Association and an active pro-lifer before Roe v. Wade in 1973, I would like to present the other side, if this newspaper still has any semblance of fairness.

Hays claims we are on their lawn, but neglects the fact our signs are in the right of way. She doesn’t like them, but neglects to quote them. Some read: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,” Ger.1:5, “Take my hand not my life,” “Whatever you do to the least, you do to me,” Mat. 25:40, “30 studies tie abortion to breast cancer,” and “Abortion = 40 % increased rate of breast cancer. There are also photos a first-trimester abortion and a second-trimester abortion.

She labels us anti-choice, but doesn’t want women making an informed choice, seeing or knowing what abortion does to both mother and child. Hiding the truth is why they call abortion “reproductive health,” and use terms like “medical procedure” and “products of conception,” etc. The good Lord tells us, “The truth shall make you free,” that’s why we are there.

Hays claims we have little traction in Maine, but as women see the horror of abortion, she is proven wrong. The Maine Center of Disease Control reports 9.2 percent reduction in abortions from 2014 to 2015, and since 2008 a 30 percent reduction in Maine abortions.

As we pray across the street, for a change of heart for the women and workers going into Maine Family Planning, we thank God for the lives saved.

Ron Stauble Sr.


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