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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    January 1, 2013

    Elected officals holding the country hostage

    Have we a newly identified domestic terrorist? I just read the definition of terrorism. I'm going to stretch it a little, but it makes me wonder about the political system and our elected officials.

  • Published
    January 1, 2013

    God, security will help protect our schools

    I was sorry to hear about the Newtown tragedy. It was a terrible tragedy.

  • Published
    January 1, 2013

    Arming schools isn’t the answer, regulation is

    Maine Gun Owners Association's President Jeff Weinstein's (article, Dec. 21) suggests that teachers carry guns in schools.

  • Published
    January 1, 2013

    Gun tax not best option to prevent shootings

    The president told the nation that gun control is a complex issue. I certainly agree with him.

  • Published
    January 1, 2013

    No local tax money used in Bailey Library repairs

    The original slate roof was installed when Bailey Library in Winthrop was built in 1916.

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  • Published
    December 31, 2012

    Needed: Way for citizens to change the Constitution

    There is wide spread dissatisfaction with our federal government. Congress and the president are unable to resolve the fiscal cliff stalemate. The Supreme Court in "Citizens United" allows unlimited funds to be spent by corporations and the super rich to control elections.

  • Published
    December 31, 2012

    Arming schools isn’t the answer, regulation is

    Responding to Maine Gun Owners Association's President Jeff Weinstein's (article, Dec. 21): "The best and only protection you have from the bad guy's gun is your own," is as tactical as suggesting the best way to protect yourself from drunken drivers is to drive drunk yourself. This thought won't resolve anything. Is Weinstein willing to pay all salaries, training, liabilities, consequences etc. that could go wrong?

  • Published
    December 31, 2012

    Let the grieving be in private

    I was just viewing some pictures of the many memorials, vigils and funeral services for the Sandy Hook victims. In nearly every picture and video, you could see masses of photographers and videographers.

  • Published
    December 30, 2012

    Killing women, children advances sick agenda

    There have been many instances in history where women and children have been used to advance an agenda.

  • Published
    December 30, 2012

    Arming the ‘good guys’ won’t keep away ‘bad guys

    We are mothers who strive to ensure that our kids can grow up in a safe, loving environment. We are also family practitioners in a small practice in Readfield who work hard to improve the health of our community.