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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    May 30, 2012

    Signing no-tax pledge one step in right direction

    In response to Donald Chalmers’ letter published May 28, I have, in fact, signed a pledge to never vote to raise taxes on Maine and America’s hard-working people. Simply put, we have a spending problem in Washington, not a revenue problem, and our economy and America’s strength as a nation are in jeopardy. What we […]

  • Published
    May 30, 2012

    RSU 18 budget not in tune with our poor economy

    The proposed budget for RSU 18 (Belgrade, China, Oakland, Rome, and Sidney schools) is not in tune with, nor consistent with the poor economy we are facing and must to be reduced. The proposed RSU-18 budget increase of over $1.1 million (or 3.49 percent) from the previous year is not compatible with the earnings of […]

  • Published
    May 30, 2012

    King’s traits will serve Maine well in US Senate

    Like many of my friends and neighbors, I am tired of the needless division and partisan posturing in Washington. As a conservative Democrat, I’m tired of the extreme ideology and failed solutions being offered by leaders of my party. As a result, I am supporting former Gov. Angus King in his bid to become our […]

  • Published
    May 29, 2012

    There’d be no upstairs without those downstairs

    Facility with words can dazzle. It cannot provide a decent boiled dinner or mince pie. It cannot build houses, sew dresses, make shoes or build cars, tractors or planes. Let those who languish with tea and crumpets upstairs recognize that without those downstairs, there’d be no upstairs. Genius comes in many forms. Victor Lister Athens

  • Published
    May 29, 2012

    Stop kicking vulnerable, focus on raising revenue

    After the state Legislature approved the most recent budget cuts, Gov. Paul LePage commented that the cuts were aimed at people who “take but never give.” Who are these “takers”? The elderly who worked all their lives and who can no longer work. They gave plenty in their lifetime, and deserve whatever help they get […]

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  • Published
    May 29, 2012

    Church may go, but memories continue

    What a shame it has to come to a vote to remove St. Francis Church. How wonderful for the elderly to be able to live where they have so many memories. My husband’s family has always and still has the home behind the church, and we lived there when St. Francis ran a school (another […]

  • Published
    May 29, 2012

    What does ‘allegedly’ have to do with baby’s death?

    I think most of us have gut reactions or feelings about various statements and events that occur in the course of our daily lives. Such was the case when I read the article about an infant’s death. What churned my gut and tied it in knots was the statement quoted here in part, “the death […]

  • Published
    May 28, 2012

    How can motorcyclists ruin summer for all of us?

    How lucky we are to have the warm weather back, along with the obnoxious, illegal, loud bikes. More than a month ago, I contacted the state police about this ridiculous problem and their response was they were short on manpower and they didn’t have any decibel meters. Last May, Gov. Paul LePage signed a law […]

  • Published
    May 28, 2012

    RSU 18 ignored messageof shared sacrifice

    The private sector of the American economy has been put through the wringer for the past four years because of the Great Recession, which still continues. Jobs have disappeared, salaries and wages have been reduced and even the level of entitlement benefits such as Social Security has been on hold for a few years. Government […]

  • Published
    May 28, 2012

    Summers handcuffed self by signing no-tax pledge

    I listened to Charlie Summers on Channel 6 on Tuesday night; and after listening to him, I am convinced he could never replace Olympia Snowe as a United States senator. He already has made up his mind that he will continue with the bottleneck in Washington by saying that he already has signed a pledge […]