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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Hallowell Clean-Up Day gave important lessons

    Hats off to Hallowell’s children, teachers and community. Months ago, Mayor Charlotte Warren and the members of Hallowell’s 250th Anniversary Celebration Committee supported the request of my two 6-year-olds to hold a Clean-Up Day, which took place on May 23. The entire Hall-Dale Elementary School community was invited to join in the effort, and we […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Hernandez understands issues the 99 percent face

    Dana Hernandez is smart, politically savvy and able to bring people with differing ideas together to get things done. She understands the issues voters are struggling with and, has the passion to devote her energies to solving the problems facing this state. Hernandez has the experience we need a senator to possess. She formed Mainely […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Man’s checkered past irrelevant to accident

    Here we see again the poor editorial judgment displayed by your paper. On May 18, the lead story on the front page is an article about the guy who died working on a camp, “Family Man Battled Demons.” He may have had a checkered past, but is that really relevant to the accident? I think […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Man paid the legal price for his past before he died

    I was thoroughly disgusted with the Morning Sentinel’s article of May 18, “Family Man Battled Demons,” in which the Sentinel choose to splatter Robert Rodriques Jr.’s past all over the front page. I did not know Rodriques and know nothing about his past. All I do know is that he paid the legal price for […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Lachowicz is just what we need in Legislature

    I’d like to encourage people to vote for Colleen Lachowicz in the June 12 Democratic primary for state Senate District 25. I work with Lachowicz and I know that she is well-informed, caring and effective. Just what we need in our Legislature. Lachowicz listens to others and tries to understand even when she disagrees. Many […]

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  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Police record had nothing to do with man’s accident

    I am incensed at the front-page article of May 18 about Robert Marandes Rodriques Jr., “Family Man Battled Demons.” He was helping to repair a foundation, and his police record had nothing to do with his accident. I find this article extremely insensitive and in very poor taste. His ex-wife and children are hurting enough […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    Enjoyed article about Frank Knight and elm

    I enjoyed so much the article about Frank Knight and the elm tree, Herbie. In this day and age of contentious elections, economic distress, rising taxes, unemployment, death and destruction, it is a breath of fresh air to read a story so heartwarming. Good job and hats off to all those involved in writing and […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    It’s empowering to produce our own food

    As Bonnie Sammons says in her Maine Compass, “Locally produced food is more sustainable way to grow” (May 14), this is a good time for us to consider growing some of our own food. It is empowering to produce our own food and gratifying to see the impact it has on our grocery bills. People […]

  • Published
    May 25, 2012

    The man did what he did and served his time

    I was appalled to see on the front page of the May 18 Kennebec Journal an article, “Dead man had criminal record,” about Robert Rodriques, the man killed in the house collapse in Albion . Was this necessary? The man did what he did and served his time. He had other pending charges. So what? […]

  • Published
    May 24, 2012

    Government shouldn’t pay for people to go to movies

    Abby Shahn (letter, “Those on the bottom spend money, help economy,” May 17) said when people get help with their needs, they buy food, clothing “and take the kids to a movie.” Excuse me, did I hear that correctly? “A movie”? That is what she considers a need? I have worked hard for many years […]