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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Failure to OK pipeline bad for central Maine’s future

    The natural gas pipeline proposal that is before local governments for approval in the Kennebec Valley area is the most important economic development opportunity for this region in this generation. The pipeline has the potential to supply heating and power at a third of the price of oil. It will bring savings of tens of […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Class warfare as corrective to financial inequity

    The term “class warfare” is being advanced as a reprimand to those who point out the growing financial inequity in our society. Well, I’m all for class warfare as a corrective. History reveals that, for most cultures, a divide will develop between a rich, powerful elite and a large, powerless underclass. Nobility and serfs. Dictators […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Money buying political ads better spent elsewhere

    Canada for president? Not sure about that one, but we do need serious candidates to choose from and vote for soon. I am thoroughly disillusioned and disgusted by politics and politicians. They are bought and paid for by the millionaires of the world (sometimes their own money) to fund their own interests. We, the majority, […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Circuses are no substitute for bread

    On radio and television, we hear a lot of talk about how low-income people are lazy, looking for a handout, and so on. People who get their information from only such sources will parrot the same opinions, without really knowing what they are talking about. Undoubtedly, every level of society has some lazy people. The […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    US on edge of biggest disaster since Depression

    The United States is on the edge of the biggest disaster since the Depression of the early 1930s. The government is making and borrowing money that is being charged to the American public. We, not the government, owe more than $48,000 per person in the country. What are they doing in Washington? It is like […]

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  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Bishop should not insert politics into Mass

    For the first time in my 32 years as a Catholic, I walked out in the middle of Mass. I had just listened intently to my pastor’s inspiring homily. When he finished, he pulled out a letter he was obligated to read from Bishop Richard Malone of Portland. As he read the bishop’s letter, something […]

  • Published
    February 4, 2012

    Fund for Healthy Maine improves health of citizens

    With thoughtfully used money from the Fund for a Healthy Maine, Somerset Heart Health and other Healthy Maine Partnerships have created programs that have improved the health of our citizens for far less than the cost of routine medical care. This money has directly benefited not only our health, but also our economy by improving […]

  • Published
    February 3, 2012

    Candidates should tell us why we should elect them

    How are we supposed to pick a candidate for president when they devote their air time to tearing down the other candidates? If they can’t give us some reason to vote for them or a purpose, maybe some of us might decide it’s a waste of time to even go to the polls. Mavis Gallagher […]

  • Published
    February 3, 2012

    Heartbreaking to know children are going hungry

    An elementary school teacher recently told an acquaintance of mine that some of her students often come to school hungry, having had no breakfast. And I thought, how can it be, in a country where so many have so much, that even one child goes to school hungry? Although it is common knowledge that many […]

  • Published
    February 3, 2012

    Elephant mascot fits Repubilcans to a tee

    The Republican party has picked the elephant as its mascot. There couldn’t be a better fit. Elephants spend their time rolling in the dirt, stomping on all that gets in their way or standing around in zoos so people can stare at them. All of the above suits the GOP to a tee. The GOP […]