If you live in Chelsea, Jefferson, Whitefield, or Nobleboro, you may see a young woman named Chloe Maxmin at your door. I encourage you to engage in conversation with her, because she may be your next state representative.

Chloe grew up on a farm in Nobleboro, went to Lincoln Academy, and is one of our young people who left Maine for college and returned. She is back in Nobleboro because she loves Maine and wants to contribute.

If we are to be a state that retains our young people and attracts new ones, we need the perspectives of these young citizens in policy-making positions. Chloe has ideas about how to strengthen our communities, but she also wants to listen to your ideas and concerns. If Chloe appears at your door, hand her a glass of water and start a conversation — you’ll be glad you did.

Lisa Miller


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