On Nov. 8, I urge the voters of Hallowell, Manchester and West Gardiner to vote for Dan Shagoury for the Maine House. I’ve known Dan for nearly 20 years, from his time serving on the Hallowell School Board as well as helping constituents and supporting policy in the Senate and House Democratic offices.

We’ve become friends, had dinner at each other’s houses, watched movies together and even played the occasional video game. Dan has that rare talent that allows him to talk with anybody; with his smile, relaxed body language and compassionate composure, he immediately connects with people. This is the quality we need in the Legislature, especially now as politics becomes even more divisive.

Dan also has the experience our community needs to actually accomplish things. He’s worked behind the scenes for many successful legislators. Please vote for Dan Shagoury for Maine House on Nov. 8.

Lauren Mier


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