Let me get this straight. Having carefully read “Our View: Finally, it’s costly to withhold public information from the public” (Feb. 3), here is my spin on the facts presented. An official, Malcolm Ulmer, director of Operations for the Maine County Commissioners Association Risk Pool, refused to provide public documents, which he is required to do under the constitutionally mandated Maine Freedom of Access Act. Ulmer was found to have lied and essentially acted illegally through his actions. Behavior which resulted in a legal judgment that wrong had been done and the MCCA Risk Pool must fork over attorney fees all around from the Risk Pool’s pocket — make that the taxpayer’s pocket!

So, this is Maine governmental justice? Individuals representing their governmental or quasi-governmental organization can behave as they choose and when they are caught acting illegally their wrist is slapped and their organization whose funds are provided solely by taxpayers pays the tab.

Anyone else as incredulous as I am? I am hoping for someone to tell me I am mistaken.


Ann Roberts


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