I am a lifelong Republican, albeit a moderate. I see the Maine GOP spooling up to attack the secretary of state and his staff. That’s dead wrong.

I’m a former assistant attorney general and deputy attorney general, and, while I was there years ago, I represented the Secretary of State’s Office and the Elections Division frequently. As a private lawyer of 57 years, I’ve done a whole bunch of recounts and I have found the Elections Division staff to be the finest people — honest, straightforward and hardworking.

Secretary of State Matt Dunlap and Julie Flynn, the Elections Division chief, are, as we say on the Maine coast, “finest kind.” I am not going to stand by and watch them get criticized by inexperienced, unknowledgeable politicians.

Maine people can trust the secretary of state and his staff, period.

Jon R. Doyle, Esq.

Doyle & Nelson


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